Golden Mask One 15 BLACK
All Rights Reserved! Photos: © GMD - Linoart Ltd.
NOTE: The photos are for illustrative purpose only! Actual colors and shapes may be slightly different.
NOTE: The photos are for illustrative purpose only! Actual colors and shapes may be slightly different.
15 kHz metal detector
What's Included:
Golden Mask One 15 BLACK detector with telescopic carbon shaft; Search coil + search coil protector; LiIon rechargeable battery and dedicated charger
OPTIONS: Wireless headphones
OPTIONS: Wireless headphones
Availability: In Stock
245.00 EUR
EXPORT price
Price without VAT, valid for export to countries outside the European Union.
WARNING! You may have to pay VAT and/or import taxes at import!
FREE coil protector for all search coils, except 12.5x15"